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동서고금을 막론하고 위대한 업적을 이룬 사람에게는 항상 훌륭한 조력자가 있었습니다.


급변하는 현대사회에서 믿고 함께할 수 있는 파트너는 매우 중요한 가치입니다.

100세 시대, 건강하고 행복한 삶을 위한 최선의 방법을 고객 여러분과 함께 찾겠습니다.


저희는 신용을 거래합니다.

저희는 진정성 있는 소통을 합니다.

저희는 고객들의 성공 파트너가 되겠습니다.


고객님의 꿈이 현실이 되는 곳에 리맥스 영존부동산중개법인이 함께 있겠습니다.

대표이사 원 기 범  


" Be our person,

  We will be your persons! "


중개는 소통이다. 

​저희 RE/MAX 영존의 전문가들은 각각의 전문 분야에서 고객님들의 투자 및 자산 관리가 원활히 이루어 지도록 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 




- Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Honorary Ambassador for Gender Equality,

- Incheon Metropolitan City Media Public Relations, Advisory Committee

- Kyungin Women's University Adjunct Professor

- Certified Realtor

- Inha University Graduate School of Public Policy, Master

- Inha University Graduate School Department of Media Information, PhD in progress


- The standard of communication

-If parents change, change your child's life




- J&Partners, Executive Vice President

- Pan Pacific Airlines, Vice Chairman

- Hanjin P&C CO. Ltd., Executive Vice President/Legal Counsel

- ADG International, Group NY, USA, Principal Partner

- Int’l Chamber of Commerce of Jeju Federation, Jeju, South Korea & Tokyo,       Japan, Board of Director/Legal Counsel

- Law Offices of Choi and Associates/Kohn Swift & Graf, P.C., Philadelphia,   PA, USA, Senior Associate

- US Attorney at Law




- Chief of Rehab Center at Gulf Eastern General Company in Saudi arbia

- President of Koogong Safety System Computing Information Section

- Leader of Metro General Hospital Data Processing Department

- Sungkyunkwan University Department of Electronic Engineering, B.A.

- IHH(Turkey-NGO) Donation Project

- IBC(Turkey-NGO) & ICHD(K.S.A - NGO)

- Global Donation Project

- Qatar Fund Donation Project




- A member of the Board of Education of EBS Broadcasting Station

- A member of the Board of Education of the Korean Department of - Education

- Chief Director of The Korean Economic Daily

- Lectures at the university admissions briefing organized by Hankyung Edu.

- EBS Star Instructor Program Broadcast Lecturer

- Korean University, B.A.




- AIT Consulting Co. LTD., Director, Invest Funding Partner.

- ADG Holdings Ltd., Director, M&A, Assets Funding Partner.

- UNISYS Ltd., Curator, Information System.

- Drexel University, B.A.


​류 수 미

- All That Honors Club Airport Operation Team (VIP Protocol Team) Manager

- Working at Korean Air FIRST CLASS LOUNGE

- Gimpo Domestic DSR

- Incheon Airport OAL Division Foreign Airlines Counter

- ICN Division General Manager

- Korean Air Protocol

- Certified Realtor




- President of JS Certified Judicial Scrivener Office

- President of HB R&C Co. Ltd.

- Vice Chairman of Incheon Junggu Yacht Association

- Supreme Prosecutor’s Office International Cooperation Agency

- FBI Asia-Pacific trainer

- Inha University Graduate School of Policy

- Asset Management License

- Certified Realtor

- Certified Judicial Scrivener

- Licensed Administrative Agent




- Attorney at Law(Korea)

- Korail investment review committee member

- Personnel/Policy Committee Member of Hwaseong Industry Promotion - Agency under Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do.


  • Committee for Seoul Seocho Police Office’s Crime and Youth leading

  • Counsel for Seoul Seocho Police Office’s crime panel

  • Counsel for Seoul Yongsan Police Office’s crime panel

  • Vice Charman of Special Committee for Regional Balanced Development

  • Policy of Democratic party of 19th Presidential Election force.

Be our Person, 

We will be Your Persons!

인천 중구 운서동 2804-3/403호

(운서역 앞 스타벅스건물4층)

Unit 403, 2804-3 Unseo-dong, Junggu

Incheon, South Korea

Tel: +82-1877-8923    Fax: +82-504-151-5101   I

상호: (주) 영존부동산중개법인 | 대표: 원기범

사업자등록번호: 632-86-02944 | 중개업등록번호: 28110-2023-00030

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